Live chart of carbon compensation purchased


H&M is top 11, and seems to be the only clothing brand rated that high.

June 5, 2023

Lung cancer pill. Reduces risks when taken after surgery.


After five years, 88% of patients who took the daily pill after the removal of their tumour were still alive, compared with 78% of patients treated with a placebo.

from HN:

This is a drug that targets lung cancer (~12% of cancers) and only one type of lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer, ~80% of cases). It targets a particular mutated gene that occurs in about 30% of that subtype. And then, about 50% of those patients respond.

June 4, 2023

Now I know who was behind all the best quests of my childhood!!


Ron Gilbert programmed Freddy Fish and Putt-Putt, worked at Lucasfilm Games (later LucasArts).

I missed the Monkey Island series, incl. the Mokey Island 2 in which Ron participated as a director, designer and a writer.

June 3, 2023

System76 firmware managed to disable Intel ME

#itnuts HN…

history behind Intel ME from Google engineers:…

June 2, 2023

Electric brain stimulation effects for productivity

#scitisfaction HN…

Time flies faster in the flow state

June 1, 2023

Tetris with sand blocks



May 30, 2023

Seeking an alternative to likes and shares as a metric for social good

#itnuts HN

They [ranking rules] should direct our attention towards constructive, civilized public discourse and a collective, cooperative pursuit of truth.

May 29, 2023

(2017) People underestimate how happy others in their country are



Image source

May 29, 2023

Vitamin D new role discovered



Stimulates dopamine neuron growth. Deficiency has been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders like schizofrenia.…

May 28, 2023

cozy web


Communities, closed enough to not be indexed by bots and search engines. Live in slack, discord, what’s app groups and telegram streams.

The illustration in the post is wonderful!

May 28, 2023