
June 7, 2023

Type intersection in Python is still an open discussion



June 5, 2023

Live chart of carbon compensation purchased



H&M is top 11, and seems to be the only clothing brand rated that high.

June 5, 2023

Lung cancer pill. Reduces risks when taken after surgery.



After five years, 88% of patients who took the daily pill after the removal of their tumour were still alive, compared with 78% of patients treated with a placebo.

from HN:

This is a drug that targets lung cancer (~12% of cancers) and only one type of lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer, ~80% of cases). It targets a particular mutated gene that occurs in about 30% of that subtype. And then, about 50% of those patients respond.

June 4, 2023

Now I know who was behind all the best quests of my childhood!!


Ron Gilbert programmed Freddy Fish and Putt-Putt, worked at Lucasfilm Games (later LucasArts).

I missed the Monkey Island series, incl. the Mokey Island 2 in which Ron participated as a director, designer and a writer.

June 3, 2023

System76 firmware managed to disable Intel ME

#itnuts HN


history behind Intel ME from Google engineers: www.zdnet.com/article/m…

June 2, 2023

Electric brain stimulation effects for productivity

#scitisfaction HN


Time flies faster in the flow state

June 1, 2023

Tetris with sand blocks




May 30, 2023

Seeking an alternative to likes and shares as a metric for social good

#itnuts HN


They [ranking rules] should direct our attention towards constructive, civilized public discourse and a collective, cooperative pursuit of truth.

May 29, 2023

(2017) People underestimate how happy others in their country are



Image source

May 29, 2023