Python projects beyond Python packages

This PEP is still a draft, but has already matured a lot. When accepted, it will change the trend, allowing Python projects to declare dependencies without declaring themselves Python packages.

Discussion threads:

January 7, 2024

Moving microblogs to the Cave

This post was published outside .

A new microblog chamber in the cave is the new place for microposts! Old posts soon will appear there as well.

🎉 🎉 🎉

January 5, 2024


If you thought you were invincible, behold, git reset --hard in automation scripts will get you!

(luckily I had a plain text output of the git diff printed in my terminal)

December 16, 2023

Bash double quotes lesson


This is the correct way to nest the double quotes in the subshell

a="$(command "$arg")"

Using $() creates a new quoting context. Thus, double quotes inside a command substitution are completely independent of those outside it…

December 8, 2023

Convert SVG to EPS


inkscape -o result.eps input.svg

November 18, 2023

Cleaning flatpak bloat


this command cleaned 11gb of space for me flatpak repair --user

October 28, 2023

Keychain - the secret agent manager


If you spawn ssh-agent from current terminal, other terminals don’t pick up the populated env vars. (read more on SO)

Keychain is to the rescue:…

it originates from Gentoo, which is one love :)

September 21, 2023

Learned: force Firefox to print non .txt files instead of downloading them


Use prefix view-source: before the url. This allows to quickly check the contents of curl-to-bash install scripts like this:


September 8, 2023

Oldest still alive domain names


August 25, 2023

Bidirectional tcp - udp forwarding oneliner


if you ever wondered how to connect to Wireguard server via SSH:

mkfifo /tmp/fifo
nc -l -p 5679 < /tmp/fifo | nc -u 5678 > /tmp/fifo

August 9, 2023